Legal notices
Société par actions simplifiée
Share capital : 3 611 700 Euros
Registered office : Aéropôle centre, 29600 Morlaix – France
Registration number : RCS Brest 390 282 648
The presentation and the content of this site are protected by the applicable intellectual property law.
Except the cases restrictively authorized by the law, any reproduction, representation or distribution, in whole or in part, of the information contained on this site (texts, photos, trademarks, logos, …) on any support or by any process, without Sermeta’s prior and written authorization, is forbidden and constitute an infringement susceptible to engage the civil and penal liability of the counterfeiter.
According to the Act n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties, you are entitled to access, modify, correct and delete any information which concern you, by contacting our publishing director.
This website is hosted by:
1405 Harney St #201, Omaha, NE 68102
Nebraska, États-Unis
All the pictures in this website are free of rights. All reproduction forbidden.
SERMETA website GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
The personal data protection policy is made by SERMETA to define the principles and guidelines of personal data processing for SERMETA website users.
The concept of “private data” or “personal data” is given by the definition on the article 4 on the GDPR (GDPR 2016/679), meaning any information that might identify a physical person directly or indirectly : name, surname, IP address, email address,…
SERMETA affirms its adherence to respect laws and regulation regarding personal data protection, and is commited to preserving their safety, confidentiality and integrity.
1. Scope and exclusions
This policy applies to all the personal data processing made by SERMETA from its website
2. Data collected
2.1. Data directly collected from website
It is the data you directly provide to us through forms (account creation, messages, meeting requests,…) or content (CV, covering letter,…) placed on website.
- Identification data : civility, name, surname, postal adress, email, phone number, National ID card or residence permit that respond to our legal obligation regarding regular work
- Financial or economical data : your fixed and/or variable salary requirement in connection with a job application
- Health data : only for recognition of disability status (“RQTH” from French law) upon candidate declaration, in order to define the work station ergonomy organization in case of recruitment
- Professional data : all information on your CV and covering letter if any
2.2. Connexion data indirectly collected
It is the data collected by SERMETA through your navigation on the website, like :
- Connection and/or navigation date and time
- Browser type
- Browser language
- URLs visited
- Internet Protocol (IP) address
Connection data treatment is made in respect with applicable GDPR regulation.
These data analysis aims to provide anonymous indicator to provide a more personalised service on SERMETA website.
3. Recipient of personal data
All the personal data are confidential, their access is strictly limited to SERMETA services and its subcontractors with contractual links.
Thus, within a job application framework, personal data can be communicated to partners third parties on the recruitment process, like temporary employment agency of recruitment agency, or institutional or no third parties to commit with our HR legal and administrative obligation, as for example : URSSAF, CAF, medical examination, health mutual, pension organisation,…
If you want to have access to their data protection policy, you are invited to ask directly to these third parties. SERMETA will help you to collect contact information as far as possible.
4. Data storage :
All the personal data collected by SERMETA are hosted in securised IT server.
5. Rights to information, access and correction of personal data
In accordance with article 15 and seq of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete all data related to you by mail at the following address :
SERMETA Aéropôle centre, 29600 Morlaix – France
In any event, and for any request, you will be asked to proof your identity (name, surname, address, copy of identity document).
Any incomplete application, or with no sender/applicant origin guarantees will not be processed, and will need to new valid application.
For any information on products and/or services featured on this site, please contact:
Marketing Service Sermeta – Aéropôle centre – 29600 Morlaix, France.
Phone: +33 2 98 62 34 34